Was your car blow caught on a highway traffic camera?

In this day and age, cameras are everywhere. In fact, you'd probably be surprised by the number of video cameras that take hold of your commute on a daily basis. Just how easy is it to obtain a re-create of this footage?

We've all noticed them: video cameras along highways, at ruby-red lights, toll plazas, and even on buses. While at that place are many reasons why these cameras be (e.m., law enforcement, monitoring traffic congestion, number plate recognition), understand that the entities which own the cameras are not in the business of finding and providing this footage to the general public, so the ease with which i can remember this kind of evidence generally depends on a number of factors.

Getting Traffic Camera Video

The first affair y'all'll desire to accept into consideration is the dissimilar potential sources of video, and this depends largely on where your accident occurred. Were you at an intersection equipped with ruddy light cameras? Were you on a highway or major thoroughfare? Were in that location any nearby businesses which may accept outdoor surveillance cameras? If yous're unsure, look up the location on Google StreetView and consider all possibilities.

Traffic cameras & crimson calorie-free cameras.

When information technology comes to highway traffic cameras and blood-red light cameras, your chances of obtaining a copy of the video without the help of an attorney are unfortunately slim. You're most-likely going to exist dealing with a number of public and private entities that have specific requirements when it comes to releasing footage. Some highway traffic cameras are endemic by TxDOT while others are endemic past the toll potency. Click hither for a map of State-owned traffic cameras.

There'due south no harm in asking for a re-create of the video, but they volition likely deny your request just considering they are not obligated to do and so and because they do not desire to put the human being-hours into tracking downwards the relevant portion of video.

That existence said, if you have an attorney (which is ALWAYS recommended if you lot've suffered an injury), inform them of this potential piece of evidence every bit shortly equally possible. Your attorney can issue a subpoena seeking the release of said footage, but it's important to human action quickly as these cameras ofttimes erase old data subsequently a sure period of time.

If you practise not currently accept an chaser, I would suggest that yous at to the lowest degree talk over your concerns with an attorney through a free over-the-phone consultation. The advice is costless, and if you have a potential personal injury claim, most attorneys will handle your case for no price to you (on a no-win, no-fee footing).

Finding Video of My Accident
Other Sources of Video

Individual business surveillance cameras.

If yous accept a strong belief that your car accident was captured by a CCTV surveillance camera located on private property (e.grand., Walmart, gas station, etc.), you stand a better chance of finding someone who is willing to help. Private businesses also have no obligation to provide this footage to you without a subpoena, but a friendly request can go a long way.

Some businesses and larger stores take strict stipulations on how and when they share this video, and if you run into a roadblock, discuss your options with an experienced car accident lawyer.

Dash cams & other sources.

Anybody knows police cruisers are equipped with dash cams, simply personal dash cams have also get increasingly popular in the last few years. Be sure to ask any witnesses to the accident if they had a dashboard camera recording. While absolutely a long shot, some people have fifty-fifty stumbled across footage of their accident uploaded to YouTube mere days afterwards.

If you believe the motorcar crash was caught on a nearby police force motorcar's nuance cam, y'all may have to spring through a few hoops in club to obtain the video footage. First, you lot will have to place the officer(south) by their name, designation and badge numbers, craft a letter of the alphabet explaining your intent, and then send information technology to the related precinct, subsequently which you will wait for a response.

Information technology is important to note that police nuance cams and jitney cameras aren't always recording. Additionally, due to limited resource, information technology is not uncommon for these entities to record over older footage. This is why it's so important to act fast when attempting to preserve this vital testify.

Personal dashcams are incredibly cheap present, and if zip else, this experience should show you that spending $50 on a nuance cam now can salvage you a considerable amount of trouble down the road.

Can a lawyer assistance?

If you were injured in a car crash, information technology'southward definitely worth your while to at to the lowest degree seek out a free over-the-phone consultation with an attorney in your area. While we understand the urge to want to handle your own example, know that the insurance company will non play nice when it comes to your injury claim. While property-damage-only claims are pretty straight forrad, accompanying personal injury claims are not!

By hiring an attorney (which, again, will toll y'all nothing out of pocket), yous're ensuring that yous have the best take chances at a successful upshot. At Rasansky Police Business firm, our attorneys volition make sure you're not taken advantage of, and will handle your claim from kickoff to end. Our job is to make certain you're compensated for every penny you're owed, and we take this responsibility seriously.

When information technology comes to automobile crashes, time is of the essence. Getting in impact with a good accident attorney from mean solar day ane will go a long way in collecting relevant evidence, proving negligence, demonstrating the true value of your example, and winning compensation. Delight call the states today at1-877-405-4313 for your free consultation.

Speak With a Dallas Blow Attorney For Costless

The attorneys at Rasansky Constabulary Firm are happy to speak to y'all near your potential instance gratuitous of accuse. If we can assistance with your claim, we'll do so for no out-of-pocket toll to you. Phone call us 24/seven at (214) 651-6100, or toll-gratuitous at 1-877-405-4313.